Have you ever sought a physician’s help when faced with pain? In a previous blog we discussed that over 80% of the population will experience back pain sometimes in their life. We often hear from new patients that they have previously visited a Physician for issues that cause pain, and that they were provided with pain killers to help numb the pain that plagues them. Painkillers are temporary, highly addictive solutions.
At Dr. Andrea’s Chiropractic, we understand pain, and our goal is to treat the problem that is causing your pain, not just provide you addictive medications to help you numb them. As we diligently seek out your root problem, cannabidiol (CBD) may serve as your best option for pain management without the use of opiates which means it is non-psychoactive.
The use of CBD products is on the rise throughout the world, and so many people have become enthusiasts of CBD due to its incredible benefits. CBD is not yet wildly respected and used, but we hope to help change that by helping you to understand the facts and benefits CBD offers patients. But before we dive into what those benefits specifically are, lets discuss what CBD is and why it is not yet wildly used and respected.
What is CBD and why is it so controversial?
Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is a product that is derived from cannabis plants. Cannabis is a chemical naturally found in marijuana plants that do not create a “high” effect or leave patients feeling any form of intoxication. This is because the other chemical derived from marijuana plants, THC, is the element that causes that high and is not found in CBD at all. In turn, with CBD products you have no risk of experiencing the same effects that occur when consuming marijuana.
There is often controversy surrounding cannabis products, such as CBD, because individuals feel as though it is strictly linked to recreational marijuana use. While some CBD strains have small traces of THC, the 100% hemp-based CBD strains we use at Dr. Andreas do not contain THC and are legal in all 50 states.
Benefits of using CBD in Chiropractic’s:
Chiropractors have seen significant benefits to using CBD oil as a way of helping patients manage certain symptoms, and at Dr. Andrea’s Chiropractic we are no different. We rely on CBD as a way to manage pain in patients and help with recovery, and we have seen firsthand how CBD oil is able to do just that.
The known benefits of CBD oil are:
- Relieving muscle soreness
- Anti-inflammatory benefits
- Relief from anxiety
- Arthritis pain relief
CBD products are created from natural ingredients that can help you better manage your pain. If you have been suffering from pain, CBD oil may offer a safe, drug-free approach to treating your ailment. Schedule an appointment today to speak with Dr. Andrea about the best treatment to help treat and alleviate the pain you are experiencing.